So you are looking to charter a new networking group. This page will have all of the information you need to get rolling.
As the founding member of this new group, you will have a few things on your plate. Below is a list of some of the things you will need to do.
- Select a date, time and location for your new chapter to meet. The location should have a private room that will hold 20 to 30 people, can accommodate meals on separate checks, No room fee, a table for the visitor host to check in the members and guests.
- Decide on a launch date.
- Build a list of potential members with whom you want to do business with and who you believe could make the commitment to a weekly meeting.
To start a chapter you should have a least 20 business contacts on the list and 12 strong potential members. The dues will be waived until you launch your new chapter. As the founder of the new chapter, your first year’s dues will be waived and you will serve as its first president.
BBNG will help you in any way we can on the launch of your new chapter.